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When lives matter: Quick tips for fire prevention that can save lives and money

27 juillet 2015

You are not immune to fire and it only takes minutes to prevent one. Most preventive measures require only a modest investment of time and will save lives, money, and property. And yes, it can happen to you.

When lives matter: Quick tips for fire prevention that can save lives and money

Always be alert for danger

The most common causes of fires are faulty wiring, defective appliances, careless use of electrical or gas appliances, unsupervised children with matches or lighters, careless smoking and cooking habits, and improperly stored flammable substances.

Here are some steps you can take to decrease your chances of electrical fire.

  • Use a power strip if you need to plug in more.  Extension cords and three way adapters overload receptacles.
  • Never run electrical cords under carpets or rugs, over nails, in traffic areas. This will prevent wearing.
  • Don't use household extension cords for  a major appliance or a heat-producing appliance. Only an appliance cord can carry the load.
  • Your elders were right: Don't pull on an electrical cord to unplug it. Grasp the plug firmly and pull  straight out. This prevents damage to the prongs and outlet.
  • If the court or plug is hot, damaged or discolored, replace  it with similar equipment.
  • Call an electrician if your lights flicker and your appliances run sluggishly, or if you have a fuse that repeatedly blows or a circuit breaker that trips often. These are signs that the system is overloaded.
  • Don't use a bulb with more wattage than a lamp or fixture is rated to accommodate. It will overheat.

Practice "safe" smoking

  • Careless smoking is a major cause of fires and fire-related deaths.

The " dos' don't's" of the habit.

  • Don't smoke when you are drowsy.
  • Don't smoke when you're drinking alcohol alone
  • Don't smoke in bed

But if you must...

  • Do provide smokers with large, deep, non-tipping ashtrays , flat surfaces rather than on upholstered furniture.
  • Do  soak the butts with water before emptying ashtrays.
  • Do use  metal trash cans that don't contain any waste paper. Better yet, have a "No Smoking" policy in your home.

The risk drastically outweighs the cost.

Never let chance decide

It only takes a second to start a fire and kids are curious.

  • Buy child-resistant lighters
  • Keep matches and lighters out of reach
  • Talk to  your children about fire and encourage  them to give any matches they find to an adult.
  • Warn them against covering light bulbs with paper or cloth.

Remember these tips and keep safety first and foremost.

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