SunnySlope Landscape

We have a broad spectrum of capabilities and are sure we can meet the challenges.

SunnySlope Landscape

We have a broad spectrum of capabilities and are sure we can meet the challenges.

SunnySlope Landscape

We have a broad spectrum of capabilities and are sure we can meet the challenges.

SunnySlope Landscape

We have a broad spectrum of capabilities and are sure we can meet the challenges.

SunnySlope Landscape

We have a broad spectrum of capabilities and are sure we can meet the challenges.


We have a broad spectrum of capabilities and are sure we can meet the challenges and demands required to reach a successful conclusion. Every job is unique and our attention to detail starts at the planning stage. Our team of skilled and specialty workers coupled with the right equipment, experience, and determination will ensure an efficient, timely and professional work site. We do not just want your project to look good on the day we leave it to you, but continue to perform for many problem free years. We will not take shortcuts or cut corners to save you or us money at the cost of the job.

Creat Your Beautiful Garden With Us Please Call : +1 250-215-6715

Who We Are

About Us

In the early nineties I started working for a landscape company in the South Okanagan it was then that I realized what I wanted to do and that was start a company and work the land to the benefit of all involved. I had the drive but knew I lacked experience so I gained this by furthering my employment with other companies that specialized in different aspects of the industry until I could produce a quality result every time. We now work with Civil and Geo technical engineers and even receive job referrals from them.

Our Work

Latest Portfolio

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What We Do

Our Services


Planning a project, whether you are looking at the prospect of a housing development, commercial or retail building, infrastructure or excavation service, or simply want to maximize your land within the confines of the property lines and in accordance to city by laws, we can help. Perhaps an outdoor living area not just beautiful to look at but functional too, these are tangible improvements that add value and enjoyment.

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