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VCI Executive Summary


MISSION:  Most PROFITABLE / GREEN / ROBUST Path → Highest Value CApture from Under-Value Resources

VCI aspires to Enable Alliance of Excellence [ AOE ]: Upstream Upgrading Refining Logistics Chemical Power (+CCS)

                                               → GLOBAL GREEN ENERGY POWERHOUSE.    


VCI strives to create Unique Value Uplift for Each Component, powering AOE to Global GREEN ENERGY Powerhouse.


The ENABLER is VCI proprietary Selective Decarbonization process [ SDC     ], which very selectively removes

colloidal carbonaceous micro-solids ( that plague resid-conversion processes ), revolutionizing Upgrading-Refining.

Rooted in complex colloidal physics, SDC is a low T/P process ( with uniquely Low Cost / GHG ), see Figure 1


SDC converts Bitumen to Decarbonized Oil [ DCO    ], with Cleaned Resid of High Crackability / Product Yields.


The Segregated Carbonaceous Byproduct [ SCB    ] is effectively cleanest-sourcing coal, produced without

mining footprint, with higher calorific value / lower ash than coal, and higher H/C than coal / coke.

It is virgin / unreacted, readily crackable aggregates, produced upfront of process chain, at very low cost / GHG.






HPCO [ High Performance Clean Oil ]

With high resid-crackability, DCO is Perfect Complementary Match with Synthetic Crude [SCO] / Shale Oil [SO]   

( with no / low resid, a mismatch to most refineries ), producing â†’ High Performance Clean Oils [ HPCO ]

 that can be customized to best-fit most refineries ( see Figure 2 ), Unlocking Markets / Logistics Globally.

 HPCO would debottleneck Refineries / Upgraders, increase conversion / yields, Uplift Refining Margins,

     - Out-performing Conventional Crudes  → giving DCO/SCO/SO significant equivalent Value Uplift!


     HPCO is the Primary Economic Driver of SDC, making SCB virtually “ no cost “ Clean -Coal “( for SDC owners ).

    - Revolutionizing the Economics of “ SCB Gasification “ … CORE process for Green – Power / Methanol.


G-M      [ Green Methanol ]

Both NG and Coal have H/C mis-matching Methanol. Much of Process Complexity ( Capex ) and Feed Cost, for

either NG or Coal ® Methanol, are incurred for H/C re-balancing. 

Leveraging on SCB ( no cost feed, higher H/C and crackability ), Integrated SCB / NG → G-M creatively

would eliminate all H/C re-balancing processes / feed, maximize CCS efficiency, drastically reducing

capital / feed costs  ( … patent in process ), leading to

  → Most Economic G-M, with Un-matched Gross Margin - critical for Market Competition / Creation.

G-M – Safest ( in storage / transport ), Most Economic NG Derivative â†’ High Value-Add to under-value NG.


 G-P      [ Green Power ]

 With “no cost“ feed, [ SCB-Gasification → Power ], with most effective CCS, revolutionizes G-P economics.

G-P, with zero emissions at consumption, and highest lifecycle energy efficiency, would likely be the

→ Sustainable High(est) - Growth Clean Energy, complementary to Renewables, fast-tracking Low-C Energy.


GEM [ Green Energy ( HPCO, G-P ) and G-M ] - If G-P and G-M are integrated, it would provide

( cost savings, and ) flexibility to harvest from Power-demand-swings and Methanol -price volatilities.


               â†’  [ HPCO , G-M , G-P ] dramatically High-Grade [GREEN VALUE CHAIN] of under-value RESOURCES



Americas offer the best opportunities for ( under-valued ) Resource Value Creation, with OIL Sands in Alberta 

and XHO in Latin America [ LA-XHO ] … located next to the World’s Top Energy Consumer ( USA ).

   SCO ( ~ 1.3 M bpd ) and SO ( ~ 9+ M bpd ) are plentiful . Merchant-SDC [ M-SDC]  → DCO is Critical Path .


                             OIL SANDS [ AB ]  →  UNLOCK PREMIUM MARKETS in TOP ECONOMIES


Oil Sands has the largest current production as diluted bitumen [ DB ] and synthetic crude  [ SCO ].

Bitumen is difficult to transport and refine.

USA has unique dilemma: producing extra-light-Shale-Oils, suboptimal for its ( conversion ) refineries,

leading to significant refinery under-utilization.

   HPCO would Unlock US ( and Global ) Markets / Logistics, Uplifting Refinery Utilization and Margin.


For access to vast DB, M-SDC can be based at KEY Terminals: EDMONTON and CHEECHAM.


The first VCI M-SDC ( under Value Chain Solutions, Inc. [ VCS ] ) is located at Industrial Heartland,

near EDMONTON, with access to bitumen ( and SCO ) productions from all Oil Sands Regions.

     With vast DB-SCO accesses / Upgraders / Logistics / Power infrastructure / [ CCS] in the vicinity,

     VCS would be Centre for GEM, and Gateway to Premium Markets in USA -NA / Asia-NE.


With recent TM Pipeline Expansion, HPCO could capture Premium Markets in

Asian Top Economies and PNW, ( via TM- PS Pipeline, with access to VLCC at Cherry Point ).

    As illustration, the Top Asian Economies have many Resid- Hydroconversion Units, which can NOT process Bitumen.

    HPCO would debottleneck such processes / refineries, with higher conversion / yields, Uplifting Refining Margin.


Methanol has the highest price in US /NA Market, with high growth. 

G-M, with its Dominant Gross Margin, and Low Life Cycle GHG, could Capture this Premium Market.

     G-M could empower Motivated Allies ( e.g. India, Toyota ) to establish Flexi--Fuel ( Car / Marine ) Markets

     in Emerging Economies, creating market demands well beyond chemical uses.


G-P would be Sustainable High(est) Growth Clean Energy. With M-SDC in AB, G-P could be launched in VCS,

with Network expanding from Athabasca to Canada-West and US – NW ( and, eventually, to Gulf Coast ).


CHEECHAM – is Key Terminal for Bitumen productions in Athabasca -N, the largest Oil Sands region.

It offers high potential to broaden / expedite market footprint, for [ HPCO and G-P ].

With proximity to Upstream, it could offer opportunities: minimize “ Diluent profit leakage “ / logistics cost,

and SAGD – SDC integration, the most economic application of SDC.

[ SAGD-SDC, SCB-IGCC ] could achieve Net-Zero Resource Development-Profitably, for NEW projects. >


    With advantaged accesses to US and Asian Top / Emerging Economies, Alliance’s

    Differentiated – niche Full Green Value Chain would be Robust to Geopolitical / Policy Uncertainties.





Latin America has the highest XHO resources, though current production has been restricted by geopolitics.

Gulf region offers vast access to Shale Oil ( and Gas ) and most efficient sea-borne logistics ( VLCC ).


Mexico might offer geographical and geopolitical advantages. Mexico relies on its offshore XHO to meet its

surging energy needs ( both Oil and Power ). A M-SDC in Mexico could process XHOs from Latin American

Countries, with huge benefits to Mexican [ Oil/ {Cleaner} Power/Forex ], in Alliance with Shale Oil Producer(s).


M-SDC at US-Gulf-States would have the most efficient access to Shale Oil and huge Refining Centres. Shale Gas

would further the ( already commanding ) G-M Gross Margin. With GEM and CCS, G-P Network could supply

Shale Regions and Refining Centres , expediting Industry Cleaner Energy Transition – Profitably ,

complementary to Renewables.


                    Either case would offer the Most Economic HPCO and G-M supplies

                   â†’ USA ( south / coastal ), EU and Indo-Pacific ( Top Emerging Economies ).



                                         STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP and PRUDENT EXECUTION


To enhance success and mitigate risks, it is prudent to engage Anchor Partners with Complementary Strengths :

  - Major Producers of SCO / ( DB ), SO  and XHO, Major in Coal -> Power / Chemicals ( and SWF / Financial Majors ).

     ( Our Mission, in Alberta, would offer Excellent Prospect for Indigenous Pursuit of “ Wealth & Wellness “. )


To ensure success of such mega venture, SDC should be first commercially affirmed, without tying to cost-intensive

upstream. This will be achieved by [ VCS - 1 ]  â€¦ operational in ~ 18 months from FID.

( Rooted in colloidal physics in micron scale, SDC is independent  of scale. )


SCB ( from VCS-1 ) is expected to be tested in Partner’s existing commercial Coal [ IGCC -Methanol ] plant ,

eliminating project uncertainties. Design simplifications for Integrated [ SCB/NG → G-M ] are based on

vigorous fundamentals, and would incur no design / execution risks.


There are Partner-specific Synergistic Opportunities to Cut Costs while creating Huge Mutual Values.


With High Return & Margin, Alliance could expect Organic Growth beyond Initial Beachhead – building Phase,

with Sustainable High Cashflow beyond Regional Complex Scale.


       With [ Profitable Decarbonization + Unique Synergy Creation ] and Strong Partnership ,

Alliance → GLOBAL GREEN ENERGY POWERHOUSE - with Last-Man-Standing Economic / Environmental Excellence



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