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Welcome to The Comfort Zone Mobility Aids & Spa

Browse our online catalogue:


Mobility Aids & Devices

Bathroom Safety At Home

We want you to feel safe in your bathroom, and there are so many handy items that can help from raised toilet seats and safety frames to bath tansfer benches and chairs. 

Orthotics / Support / Compression

In need of a little support? At The Comfort Zone you'll find a wide array of products to help you get through the tough times. Items such as Compresssion stockings/ socks, Aircast Walking Cast Boots, Braces, Hernia belts (...
The Compfrt Zone Hot Tub Parts Chemicals and Accessories

Hot Tub Parts, Chemicals, and Accessories

The Comfort Zone offers Hot Tub Parts, Chemicals, and accessories for your Spa
Rentals available at The Comfort Zone Mobility Aids & Spas in Port Alberni, Vancouver Island, BC. Call for information and pricing 250 724 4477 or email

Equipment Rentals

We offer an assortment of rental equipment on a weekly or monthly basis. Call or email us for rates. Port Alberni 250 724 4477 (Monday to Friday)

Used Equipment For Sale

Look here for an updated list of used mobility equipment for sale. Any used equipment sold is in good working order. Click on the items below to view more pictures. Please stop by the shop, call or send us an email for more...