An accurate set of As-Built drawings is essential to the successful execution of a project. We have over 15 years of experience measuring and collecting data from all types of buildings nationwide. We utilize a Laser to CAD system for surveying and creating As-Built drawings. Our building measurement services are for Architects, Engineers, Designers, Permit Specialists, Constructors, Building Operators, Brokers, Property Owners and Managers. Our plans are also used for Facility Management, Lease Area Certification, BOMA Calculations and Marketing.
Arch-Measures has the expertise to combine experienced surveyors with advanced technology to offer a wide range of CAD services including Walls, Windows, Doors, Columns, Stairs, Millwork, Electrical/Data, Plumbing, Ceiling Plans, Sections, Elevations, Roof Plans, Site Plans, Fire Protection Plans, Lighting Schedules, Occupancy, Asset Tagging and Asset Inventory. We bring the latest solutions in the field giving our clients the advantage of quality results without the expensive overhead. We stand behind our work and we are dedicated to giving you the best service possible.
​These surveys involve accurately measuring a building and creating AutoCAD drawings of a given structure in Plan, Elevation, and Sectional views ( 2D drawings). This work is very detailed and often performed on buildings that will be rehabilitated, or otherwise reconstructed in some way. (2D work).
Site Plans, Existing Condition (As-Built) Floor Plans, RCP (Reflected Ceilings, Plan), Building Elevations, Building Sections, Square footage analysis,
MEP Surveys (Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing), Fire Safety Plans,
Structural Surveys, Building Details, Furniture Layouts, Millwork Detailing
We specialize in creating high-quality floor plans with a focus on the area and square footage for real estate agents, property managers, and developers.
Our expertise includes all building types — apartments, townhouses, single-family homes, large estates, and commercial properties.
On-site measurement by our professional architectural surveyors
In-house production of high-resolution and custom floor plans
Electronic delivery of floor plans ready for web and print use
Whether you are a building owner/operator looking to maximize your leasable space or a tenant who would like an accurate measurement of the space you lease, we are able to provide you with an accurate floor plan and lease area measurement to BOMA standards. We have the knowledge, skills, and experience to provide our clients with the most accurate measurements possible.
Our Drawing Conversion Service offers comprehensive CAD conversion services to architectural firms, engineers and construction offices. Whatever format you have, we can meet your needs.
We specialize in conversion of legacy paper drawings into accurate CAD drawings as per client's CAD Standards or as per the prevalent International standards. We are well equipped to efficiently handle almost all CAD platforms.​​

Total area measured- 2,600 sq. ft. Scope of work: Floor Plans, Site Plan, Elevations

Total area measured- 3,000 sq. ft. Scope of work: Floor Plans, Site Plan, Elevations, Sections

Total area measured- 1800 sq. ft. Scope of work: Floor Plans, Site Plan, Elevations

Total area measured- 2,600 sq. ft. Scope of work: Floor Plans, Site Plan, Elevations

Total area measured- 1,400,000 sq. ft. Scope of work: Floor Plans, Site Plan, RCP Plans, Fire Safety Equipment Plans, Area Calculation Charts

Total area measured- 72,000 sq. ft. Scope of work: Floor Plans, Building Sections, Area Calculation

Total area measured- 2,500 sq. ft. Scope of work: Floor Plans, Building Elevations, Building Sections

Total area measured- 1,400,000 sq. ft. Scope of work: Floor Plans, Site Plan, RCP Plans, Fire Safety Equipment Plans, Area Calculation Charts

Total area measured- 8,000 sq. ft. Scope of work: Floor Plans, Site Plan, Building Elevations

Total area measured- 40,000 sq. ft. Scope of work: Floor Plans

Total area measured- 90,000 sq. ft. Scope of work: Floor Plans

Total area measured- 8,000 sq. ft. Scope of work: Floor Plans, Site Plan, Building Elevations

Total area measured- 54,000 sq. ft. Scope of work: Floor Plans, Equipment Plans, Area Calculation Charts

Total area measured- 82,000 sq. ft. Scope of work: Floor Plans, RCP Plans, Building Elevations

Total area measured- 45,000 sq. ft. Scope of work: Floor Plans

Total area measured- 54,000 sq. ft. Scope of work: Floor Plans, Equipment Plans, Area Calculation Charts

Total area measured- 580,000 sq. ft. Scope of work: Floor Plans, Electrical Plans

Total area measured- 22,000 sq. ft. Scope of work: Floor Plans, Electrical Plans

Total area measured- 60,000 sq. ft. Scope of work: Floor Plans

Total area measured- 580,000 sq. ft. Scope of work: Floor Plans, Electrical Plans