Criminal and Family Lawyers

Whether you are dealing with a breakdown in family relationship or facing criminal charges or both, you would want lawyers with skill, heart, commitment, and experience in your corner.

So, how can we help?
We assist clients in every area of family law. We defend all Criminal Code charges

Practice Areas Call Us: 905-597-6671

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Family Law

We assist clients in every area of family law including property division/equalization; child and spousal support; custody, access; and child protection/CAS.

Criminal Law

We defend all Criminal Code charges including, offences of violence such as homicide, and assaults; offences against property such as Break and Enter, robbery, and theft; and firearm offences.

What Clients Can Expect From OBVLaw

With our experience in family litigation, criminal defence, and negotiations, our promise to all clients is that we leave no stone unturned in seeking solutions to their legal issues.

Your defence and arguments will be presented in court with the proficiency of a skilled advocate.

Your documents and correspondence will be drafted with the proficiency of a skilled solicitor.

Your representation will be conducted with the diligence of a hard working lawyer.

Your instructions will be followed, and you will be informed when they may not be lawfully followed.

You will be apprised of all settlement options, and You will be kept constantly abreast of all developments in your matter.

About us

Okechukwu Benjamin Vincents, PhD
Senior Counsel

Simply the best in what they do!

This Law Office provided legal services to my nephew, which included counseling, advocacy, and court representations. The Principal Attorney, Dr. Vincents and Associate Attorney, Ms. Ayoola are simply the best in what they do! Their professionalism, responsiveness, diligence, and quality of service are quite commendable.

By Sam M. - Toronto

Choosing A Lawyer

Once a client determines that the lawyer he or she is considering is competent in the area of law concerned, the next most important consideration is ensuring that the lawyer cares about what happens to the litigant or defendant and their matter.

At OBVLaw, we take tremendous pride in our abilities. Whenever we accept a file, we are always confident that the heart we bring to the file and the competencies we have garnered over the years will stand our clients in good stead and enhance chances of a desired outcome. Above all, we continually keep our eyes on what would be the best outcome for our clients.

To assist us in the quest for results, we do ask our criminal clients to be candid with us. It is our job to fashion a defence after we have studied the facts. Clients should avoid telling us only a version of the story that fits the defence they want us to present.

For our family clients, we ask for candour as well. We also ask that the client pay careful attention to our recommendations and directions as to strategy before providing their instructions.

Learn more

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Taking Your Bail Hearing Seriously

A person charged with an offence has the right not to be denied reasonable bail under s. 11 (e) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Accused persons must however note that their request for bail may be denied if their detention is justified on one or more of three grounds: 1) the detention is … Continued

Posted on: June 14, 2021
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Guilty Pleas, What Clients Must Know about Counsel’s Ethical Obligations

Over the years, we frequently encounter clients who request for our assistance in entering a guilty plea in situations where counsel ought not to be assisting with a guilty plea. One common example of these situations is where a client has provided instructions that they did not commit the offence and provided a narrative that … Continued

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The best-case scenario for spouses sharing in the value of a matrimonial home in a divorce proceeding is for both parties to be on title. This would mean that the property was registered in the name of both parties when it was purchased.

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